こんにちは。キムヤンジェ皮膚科日本チームスタッフです。 旧正月も終わり日常生活にもどりました。 日本同様、韓国のお正月も家族みんなで集まり美味しいものを食べますのでこの時期になると 正月太りになやんでいる方も多いのではないでしょうか。 私もそんな一人です。ダイエットのために食べる量を控えなければならないのですが 韓国料理が美味しくて無理で困っています 韓国では「薬食同源」という考えが深く根付いています。 「薬食同源」とは薬と食べ物はその源が同じだという意味です。 韓国料理が美容や健康に良いのはそのような考えを基本としてつくられているからです。 美容大国と呼ばれる韓国人の肌がきれいなヒミツの一つには韓国料理も関係しているのでしょうね。 そして 内側からのケアだけでなく欠かせないのがお肌の管理をすることです。 韓国でお肌のお手入れは男女問わず身だしなみの一つであり 美容院やネイルショップへ行く感覚で皮膚科に通うことが多いです。 しみやほくろの除去、しわ対策のレーザー治療、学生はニキビ治療など 様々な年代の方達が皮膚科を訪ねて美肌管理を受けています。 詳しくはホームページ内にあります治療メニューもぜひご覧ください。 ↓ https://www.doctorkim.jp/97123.html 当院ではお客様一人一人に合わせたオーダーメイド診療をおこなっています。 ドクターによる無料相談や写真見積りも提供していますので ぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください。
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In Berserk the main character of the series, Guts is ultimately entrusted with Berserker Armor, Berserker Armor, a terrifying piece of equipment that draws on Elden Ring Runes the person's negative emotions to give them unimaginable power. Although most of the time it appears to be an ordinary, if slightly pointed-looking suit of armor, it transforms into an imposing, wolf-like appearance when Guts lets it take advantage of his anger in combat.
Much like Guts is gifted the Berserker Armor, you're eventually given Blaidd's armor in Elden Ring, allowing you to live out your dreams of a FromSoftware-developed Berserk game. I won't go into details regarding how the armor of Blaidd comes to you however if you've had any knowledge of previous Souls games, you'll likely be able to guess. This isn't a pleasant topic.
Elden Ring's Ranni the Witch against. Berserk's Schierke
In the event that Blaidd has the appearance of Guts with his Berserker Armor and I'm guessing this would make Elden Ring fan favorite Ranni the Witch akin to Berserk's Schierke? Though it's an oversimplification, considering that Ranni is among the most powerful characters in the Lands Between and Schierke is an aspiring young witch, I believe it's logical when you consider their distinct relationship with men who resemble wolves.
I'm not Vaati, but it's evident that Ranni and Blaidd have a close connection. Blaidd, from what I've gathered was specifically created to help guide Ranni toward her goal of becoming an aspiring god-like being through an undiscovered supernatural force called The Greater Will. However, as Ranni is able to leave this direction, Blaidd grows increasingly feral and eventually loses his humanity completely after the end of the story.
Schierke On the other on the other hand, is one of Guts his companions following the destruction of the Band of the Hawk. She quickly becomes the only person to assist him in controlling his instinctual urges being influenced by the Berserker Armor. In this way, Schierke and Guts become a pair during combat The young witch frequently astral-projecting her soul into his mind to help calm him and stop him from cheap Elden Ring Runes succumbing to the armor completely.