
こんにちは。キムヤンジェ皮膚科日本チームスタッフです。 こちら釜山では旧正月後から少々寒い日々が続いております。 ここ数日間の日中の最高気温は10度、最低気温は-2度くらいでしょうか。 日中は暖かいのですがまだまだ朝晩の気温差がありますので釜山へお越しの際には温かい服装でいらしてくださいね^^ 韓国ではこの時期になりますと朝から町中でたくさんの学生達をみかける事が多いと思います。 「あら?学校へ行かないの?」と思われる方もいっらっしゃるかもしれません。 韓国の学校は小、中、高、と2学期制なので学生達は今春休み中なんです。地域によって多少の日程の違いはありますが新学期のスタートはみんな3月です。(3月1日は韓国の祝日なので正確には3月4日が新学期の初日となります。) 参考までに… 1学期は3月から夏休み終了日まで 2学期は夏休み終了後から2月末まで となります。 そして 韓国でも2月の一大イベントといえば 2月14日の バレンタインデー です。 町中がバレンタインデー一色となっていますのでこの時期、釜山の町をただ歩いているだけでも 本当に楽しいですよ 写真は 当院 キムヤンジェ皮膚科 近所のコンビニエンスストアの様子です。
提供: 釜山JMJ国際医療コーデイネート https://www.busanjmj.com/

When it comes to making bank in Skull and Bones, focus on trading commodities. Don't even think about parting with ship-building materials, furniture, ammo, or grub. These are your lifelines, vital for your pirate operations. Instead, set your sights on Skull and Bones Items high-value items like Uncut Gems, Fine Relics, Ivory, Vanilla, and Frankincense. While other commodities can also turn a profit, their market performance varies depending on when and where you sell them. That's what keeps the world of pirate trade exciting and profitable.
Before you start peddling your wares, study your map. Zoom in to see different regions and hover over zones like The Giant's Leap. You'll find a list of items on the right side, categorized into "In Plentiful Supply" and "Highest In Demand." The latter fetches better prices in that area, while the former sells for peanuts. But remember, you'll need to explore to unlock this intel fully.
But wait, there's more! When you dock at a port, check out both merchants – the one by the docks and the one at the inland camp. Take note of the arrows beneath each item. Red, downward arrows mean lower prices, while green, upward arrows indicate a profitable sale. Aim for those green arrows to line your pockets with gold.
Your go-to trader will usually be the Commodity Trader. Throughout your adventures, you'll amass a treasure trove of loot. Your savvy lies in knowing where and when to buy and sell these goodies for maximum profit.
Keep a keen eye on the Commodity Trader for items in high supply. Snatch them up for cheap and flip them in other ports for a tidy profit. Stay sharp, and pay attention to what each port needs – that's where the real booty lies.
Looking to kickstart your plundering profits in Skull and Bones? You've docked at the right harbor. Being a swashbuckler doesn't come cheap, what with ships to maintain, gear to upgrade, and bellies to fill. Here's your treasure map to Skull and Bones Items for sale uncovering the most lucrative loot.